Friday, May 19, 2006

When Smart People Do Dumb Things

Sssh...don't tell my husband, but I pounded two holes in our kitchen table.

Rather than wait around for him to hang up my pictures and bulletin boards, and going through yet another weekend of nagging, I decided to decorate my scrapbooking/computer area all by my lonesome.

The bulletin board needed two nails pounded into it so that I could properly tie a string across the back. Well, I laid that bulletin board down on the wooden kitchen table,and I pounded. Then I pounded some more. Oh, just a bit more. There.

I tied the string between the two nails, and there you go, ready to hang up on the wall.

But I got interrupted with something way better to do, like watch X-files. Then make dinner. Then eat it. Then sit around and watch more TV. Hang out with dog. Surf the internet. Then clean the house. Finally, at midnight, I found my way back to the kitchen table, and I thought, oh, yes, "must hang the bulletin board before going to bed."

I attempted to lift it off the table, but it wouldn't budge. And I lifted. And I pulled. And I set my knee up on the table and gave it a big pull. There it goes!

Two vampire-like holes in the kitchen table. A bulletin board with nail spikes poking through the front. Do you think it will be obvious to the naked eye?

Time to cover up the table with a cloth and call it good.

(By the way, this is not a brand-new table. We opted to put off buying a table as we had decided to exchange our 4-year old table with Suk's mom's table. Oh. thank. god. I. think.)


kuri, ping, the pinglet, & mini-ping said...

LOL Why don't you color it in? I've done that before and E7 is none the wiser. :)

I wonder if it's because he wears glasses? Hmmm...

L. said...

People like us are the reason they invented wood filler.