Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Eyes Aglaze

I realize that I may have invented the word "aglaze," but it refers to being forced to listen to someone drone on and on about something you care nothing about.

What is wrong with me? Am I abnormal for not being at all interested in topics like the latest on computer technology and laws, or the political relationship between Taiwan & China or the differences between Chinese kanji, Korean kanji and Japanese kanji. Look, people, I could not care less.

What if I give you a spontaneous lecture on the ins and outs of scrapbooking designs and techniques or the latest celebrity gossip? Okay, I admit it. I am not that smart, at least when it comes to the topics mentioned above, but I would blow your ass out of the water if the topic of scrapbooking or celeb gossip ever came up.

Is it because I am getting older and therefore less interested in what others have to say? Or, have I always been this way? And, on a non-related note, how can I politely let someone know that I am utterly and totally uninterested, now and forever, in what they are talking about?


Andrea said...

ahh the japanese changes have come upon you. i went through much the same a few years ago. the end result was quite a surprise. keep seaching and questioning

kuri, ping, the pinglet, & mini-ping said...

God, no, you're not abnormal. I think that recently a lot of people aren't able to fully concentrate on what other people are saying, unless it is something really riveting (too much information in this digital age?)

I also think that it is from getting older and more set in our ways. I mean, we all have our own ideas and thoughts so it is more difficult to listen (and understand) others as well.

I always been this way? And, on a non-related note, how can I politely let someone know that I am utterly and totally uninterested, now and forever, in what they are talking about?

Sorry, can't help you there! :)