Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Catchy Lyrics or Lyrics That You Can't Catch

A fellow teacher asked us to decode some song lyrics today. As you can imagine, we have a lot of free time these days.

The song is by DefTech, a Japanese band, that like most Japanese bands, seem to enjoy sledgehammering nonsensical English phrases into their verses.

DefTech Micro & Shen heed it
Your seeds will grow, reap them.

DefTech Micro & Shen heed it
Your seeds are weeping.

DefTech Micro & Shen heed it
You will know it.

Well, anyway, what the hell does that mean? I like version #1 becomes it seems almost biblical.

1 comment:

kuri, ping, the pinglet, & mini-ping said...

You got me...I like #1 though. :)