Saturday, September 15, 2007

Neglecting my Blog for Better Things (like Fish and Facebook)

Okay, I admit it. I have been neglecting my blog for FACEBOOK, which is a totally addictive interactive way to communicate with your friends without actually meeting them face to face, because let's face it, that takes way too much energy for the modern person. (How many times can YOU use the face in a sentence?)

Face Face Face Face. I am loving that word, especially when said with a faux french accent - fa-chay, my darling, fa-chay.

Now, I am going to write about something real.

I am getting busier now that Ailin is more mobile and talkative. I am also getting my mind set on going back to work in 5 months, so I am searching a decent day-care center for her. Luckily, in Japan, there are so many to choose from just in our immediate surroundings that the main problem is discerning the slight differences between each one. It keeps me busy, anyhow. I also need to figure out how I am going to make this kid bilingual while working a full time job. It certainly won't happen by dumping her off at day care every day.

Now, I am also working on expanding my reportraire of recipes. I am, in fact, a Martha Stewart addict, but I prefer low-carb cooking, so I usually use a cook book written just for this purpose. Last week, I decided to challenge myself and make fish every day. I bought 5 different types of fish, chose 5 different recipes...and by Friday, I was so sick of fish, I wanted to kill myself. I asked SUK to please, please, please treat me to a grilled-your-own-meat restaurant on Saturday night.

Anyway, here is a list of what I made, in case you ever get the inkling to cook some fish.

Poached salmon with ginger
Tuna with wasabi sauce
Cod with lemon mayo sauce
Louisiana grilled shrimp
Fish with creamy dill sauce

Sometimes, I buy fish but have no idea what kind it is. I choose it because of its color or texture. Most of the time, it really doesn't matter. What matters most is how the fish has been cut up by those fish-cutting people in the back of the store.

I don't think I will necessarily do a Meat Week any time soon, but fish will definitely not show up on the menu for a couple weeks. That is for sure.


Gina said...

LOL about your fish week! Good thinking on your part, to have your DH take you to the restaurant on Saturday. : )

Fwiw, I love Martha myself! I watch her show, every morning at 10:00 am on Lala. I watch both the old and new Martha's at my house. She has some great guests and tons of great ideas.

I saw a show a few month's back On Martha, some guy said he made the best cinnamon buns ever! I said to myself, yeah sure. I watched the show. Man they looked great, this guy coulda been right afterall. I shoulda written the recipe down. So after the show, I went to Martha's website and found that guys recipe. : )

Sherry said...

I have a large collection of lowcarb cookbooks. If you want to borrow any of them sometime, let me know. You can check them out on Tuesday if you want. See ya!

kuri, ping, the pinglet, & mini-ping said...

I do the same thing with lists. That way I feel like I've accomplished something! :)

Phaedra said...


My friend Tricia showed me your blog (which is fabulous).

My friend who I'm visiting in NY this weekend WORKS for Martha Stewart. In fact, I'm getting a tour of the offices and might have a Martha sighting of my own.

Also, on the small world front, I played in a music festival in Chiba back in the 90's. I miss Japan and it's nice to hear you talk about life there!