Tuesday, May 31, 2005

My Husband

Still practicing the how-to of a blog. I thought I would put a photo of Yusuke up here. Some of you have seen this photo already. I think it's not the best one, but some people have said we look tremendously happy in this picture, so I've grown to really like it. Why can't we be smiling like that every day?

Yusuke and I have known each other for 12 years. But you never REALLY know someone until you live together. Having a roomate (especially someone of the same sex) is challenging. Shannon and I can definitely vouch for this, as we almost broke up a few times due to our roommate issues in college. Eventually, we agreed that living together was in fact ruining our best friendship, and so we made the grown-up decision to live on the same street, but in different houses. In the case of a marriage, you can't do that. If your partner's living habits bug you, you can only complain so much before it begins to sound like nagging, or even worse, it reminds the partner of his/her own parent. How many times have I said to Yusuke, "You are not my father!" and how many times has he said to me, "You are not my mother!"? In a marriage, you get to the point where you may have to put up and shut up.

I know that Yusuke has so many complaints about me. He thinks I don't clean enough. Anyway, here are my current complaints about him, but I don't have the heart to say anything because they seem so lame.

1. He doesn't throw his dirty clothes (particularly, his socks) INTO the laundry basket. He carefully throws them just OUTSIDE of the basket. When asked why, he has been known to say "The stuff in the basket is dirty." Yes, I suppose it is dirty in there.

2. He doesn't put the dirty dishes INTO the plastic wash bowl, which sits inside the large sink. The bowl serves a purpose, and that is so we can use the sink for other things, such as washing vegetables and whatnot. Instead, he sets the dishes just outside the bowl. See the recurring theme? I keep telling him that it wouldn't be a problem if we had a dishwasher. He just scoffs.

You can see why it might hard to keep up with housecleaning, just based on these two examples. Anyway, I do love him dearly, and I wouldn't let something so "lame" get in the way of our good times. However, it sure does make me appreciate Shannon's living habits, in comparison. At least, Shannon and I had the added benefit of girl talk and cable TV. Oh, the things I miss!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

So, are you going to get this comment even if the posting is old? I'm just proud that I figured out how to comment! I love that you won't nag Yusuke about these, but you'll post it on your blog! Does he ever read this? Trust me- my several roommate experiences since you have REALLY made me appreciate living with you!