Sunday, February 03, 2008

Random but not thoughtless

I just re-read the little blurb at the top of my blog, and I was like - okay, that obviously has not been working for me. Old friends from the USA barely ever email me or correspond with me, and phone calls are as rare as a 3 dollar bill. I know some read it without commenting, and that is okay, but they could at least email once in while and let me know what they are up to. I should probably change the blurb to something else anyway. And, this sort of reminds me of my mutating Christmas card list which as way too many people on it, most of whom NEVER email, write, call, send Xmas cards or acknowledge our friendship in any way. Still, I keep the hope alive by sending them Christmas cards with the annual letter, but my hope is dying people. As the years go by, I have noticed that my Xmas list grows to include many foreign friends I have made in Japan, who do actually correspond with me on a more regular basis, but I still send cards to people from my past "hoping against hope" that it will inspire some sort of response to come my way. Rarely does it work, so I am hereby making the tough decision to cross them off the list. This is not a threat to any of you reading the see, I am sure if you know about my blog, then you are not one of those people. I am just venting a little bit here and wondering if others have the same problem.

Now, I am obsessed with many things, and I want to share them with you. My mom sometimes warns me when I "obsessing", and she is right. Maybe sharing with you will help me pull back a little.

1. Morning Routine Schedules and how to get everything done and get us out of the house on time.
2. Housekeeping schedule and how to keep the house relatively clean with little effort.
3. Hillary Clinton
4. Hillary and her health care plan
5. The fact that the democrats have offered up two candidates - a woman and a black man - and doesn't that mean our world is really changing? I shouldn't say "world" though because other countries do have female leaders. Doesn't that mean our country is really changing.
6. What Bill would be like as a "first lady". (Hopefully not as snippy as he has been lately.)
7. What Bill will look like in a red dress for the Fight Against Heart Disease campaign.
8. Blazers - looking to buy a couple of nice blazers for work, but can't find any on the racks yet.

Okay, that is only 8 things so I am doing pretty well this week. Here is what my husband seems to be obsessed about recently:

1. Himself
2. Food
3. Sleep and lack thereof
4. Sports
5. Making sure the baby doesn't get "dirty."
6. Making sure the baby doesn't get "hurt."
7. Smell Things

I warned him that I would blog about #7. He refers to anything like popourri, incense, room deoderizers, etc. as "smell things." So, whenever we go to the store, he always says we need to buy some smell things. It has been going on for so long an so often, that I forgot what these things are called in English. So, when I write a shopping list, I write "Smell Things" on it.

As for #5 and #6, can I just clarify that my husband thinks the baby will die or get seriously hurt (or dirty) at any given moment? And, when he is at home (which, thank god, is only in the early mornings and on weekends), he will not allow her to crawl around and explore the house for fear that she will ... god forbid ... get dirty. She is also not allowed to go near Max or touch him. So, he carries her around or keeps her confined to the couch, and when he can't do that, he puts her in the crib or playpen (and she screams and cries) or he hands her off to me. And, I am expected to carry her on my hip and do whatever the heck I am trying to do because anything is better than letting her crawl around. Of course, when he is not at home (and let's hope he doesn't read this), she has more freedom to explore, and since everything is child-proofed, there is little chance of her getting hurt. Okay, she might get some dog hair on her, and even some dust, but it's not going to kill her. Is it just my husband who obsesses about this? Or do others have similar experiences? Or am I just a really bad mother?


illahee said...

i am of the opinion that babies need to get dirty. maybe even eat dirt. otherwise, how are they going to build up their immune systems? your husband sounds a about children. as for getting hurt, well, i can't see keeping them safe forever, but i don't think there's anything wrong with worrying about it. it's just unrealistic to keep a baby from crawling around.

my husband is opposite about smell things, btw. he's really sensitive to smells and i have to be careful about that kind of thing! lol

Mande said...

Okay, I'll go out on a limb and confess something that happened just last week. I was sitting on the bench doing my shopping list. Ailin was sitting next to me playing and babbling away. Then I noticed she had dirt all around her mouth. She had grabbed a handful of dirt from the plant next to her and was eating it!!!!

Michele Matucheski said...

CL also doesn't really allow smelly things at our house. For instance, those glade plug-ins : He refers to them as "cancer sticks." So the "smelly things" at our house amount to the dogs ...

maemuki said...

I hear you about the Christmas card list. I think about revising strategies on an annual basis, and have yet to actually act on it. Postage is so expensive! Maybe this will be the year I bite the bullet and start cutting away at the list. I keep telling myself, "You're lovingly letting people go, not axing them off your list!" But then when I think about axing people off the list I catch myself grinding my teeth. Which , you know, probably isn't all that loving.

But maybe honesty counts for something? :)

Sherry said...

He is really going to have to calm down about the "dirt" and "hurt" stuff otherwise in a couple of years when/if she goes to kindergarten he is going die from a combo of a nervous breakdown and heart attack. Kids get hurt and they get dirty. The great vast majority of them survive to adulthood just fine.

Also, let me point out the obvious, but by not letting her use her body to explore the world she lives I think hs is hurting her development. I guess if he is gone a lot from home she won't be effected too much, but the weekends can't be fun for her or you.

Mande said...

Actually, I hate smell things also. I am okay with smell things as long as they have no smell. Non-scented pet deoderizers, for example. I always steer him towards things with a very light scent, and even then, they are only used when he is around, which is only on weekends, and that is when he can manage to locate them hidden in the many hiding places I stash them in.